One of the most well known current production axes is the Gransfors Bruks Small Forest Axe. Thanks largely to Ray Mears love of the Brand. Gransfors Bruks has worked hard to built a reputation for both quality and finish.
In this review I will be discussing the Gransfors Bruks Small Forest Axe . Compared to a classic pre 1966 Urafors axe of the same size. One of the top competitors of the time.
The Sheath
One thing Granfsors Bruks gets right is their sheaths. Made with thick leather and a full welt they also have better styling than many other modern axe sheaths. The snap fastener makes them easy to put on and off an even comes with the GB logo on newer models. This particular one was made around 1990.
The Gransfors Bruks SFA comes in at 19.25″. With the Urafors also being 19.25″. Since it is hung on an SFA replacement handle. Overall I’m not a big fan of this specific handle length. I find it to be too long to be used as a hatchet and too short to use two-handed.
Also, the performance is noticeably reduced compared to the full size Scandinavian Forest Axe. As seen in my video on performance comparisons. It’s amazing how much difference an extra 6″ of handle makes.
The Head
The shape is very similar. It’s a classic Swedish/ Western style. More often than not made with lugs. Popularized by Gransfors the design has been around for a century.
If you look closely you can see how smooth the bit is on the Gransfors SFA. Even with a trendy forge finish they still recognize a smoothly finished bit performs better. It’s the same with the Urafors. Both axes are built for performance.
Compared to lower end forge finished axes like Husqvarna who leave deep hammer marks and rough grinding. Even some of the high-end custom axes can be seen with huge hammer marks right near the bit. Small details do matter.
Bit Profile
The overall bit profile is another major factor is the performance for every axe. You can tell a lot just by looking but a comparison helps. Here you can see how much thinner and slightly more hollowed the Gransfors SFA is compared to the Urafors on the left. The performance is roughly the same with the Gransfors having better attention to detail in my opinion.
The Poll
Here the Granfors SFA wins again. You can see how the poll is tapered in slightly. Reducing weight and making for better balance. These are meant to be small axes and, as much as I hate to say it, the Urafors is a little blocky.
Palm Swell
The palm swells are identical since they are both hung of SFA handles. Gransfors handles have a really nice comfortable palm swell. With an exaggerated shape. It’s something they’ve kept consistent for decades.
The Gransfors Bruks Small Forest Axe makes for a light pack axe. The overall performance is closer to a hatchet than an axe. I find the 19″ handle to be awkward more than anything. Although many people do swear by it. With the SFA being one of their most popular models. Tied only with the full-size Scandinavian Forest Axe.
Really it all comes down to personal preference. Much like everything.
As for quality Gransfors Bruks makes a great product. One of my only complaints is their price point but you do get what you pay for. A 20-year warranty, high level of fit & finish and detailed forging. Better than some vintage heads. Even the legendary Urafors Yxfabrik.
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