In this video, I discuss the spoon carving kit I started with. It’s a very cheap way to get into the hobby and see if you want to invest more money into better quality tools. Don’t be fooled though. You can still create very high-quality spoons with even a basic kit.
It does take time to get the hang of new tools and a new craft so please give yourself the time to learn. Start easy, be patient and don’t rush. Remember the point isn’t the final product. It’s enjoying the process.
For those interested in a more professional spoon carving kit, you can check out my follow up blog post here.
The Kit consists of a Mora knife, boys’ axe and a 3/4″ wood chisel that’s modified by grinding a radius on and then rounding the bevel. The spoon chisel was inspired by a friend and is relatively easy to make with simple tools. You can find all of these tools at most hardware stores.

Tools List
Boys Axe
Mora Knife
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